In this decade, St John Ambulance, Cork City, finds itself in a period of transition. Simple first aid has long been the staple of our presence at events throughout the country, but this has now begun to change in favour of more advanced techniques that substantially increases the skill set that our members can use to help a person in need of it most.
Gone are the days when water, antiseptic soap, a few sticking plasters and a bandage filled the bag of a St. John Ambulance member. These items among others, on their own, will not fulfil the health and safety requirements of big event like a concert. Read More...
The Cork City Division would like to congratulate all participants who competed in the Cork City Marathon of 2010. This event is a favourite duty among our volunteers due to the spirit of the competitors who brave 26.2 miles in Irish weather, and the enthusiasm of the crowd who line Patrick Street to welcome their heroes home.
We were delighted to work alongside members of the Civil Defence, Order of Malta, Irish Red Cross, West Cork Rapid Response, HSE Ambulance Service and the Gardai in providing first aid along the course and a field hospital near the end of the route. Read More...
St John Amublance Cork were delighted to welcome our colleagues from Dublin for the annual Cork National Cadet Competitions. The Commons Inn in Blackpool played host to almost 40 teams of our younger members, who travelled down for arguably one of the most eagerly anticipated fixture in the competitions calendar.
With the promise of good weather it was decided to hold sections of the test outside, and very realistic scenarios were set up by members of the Cork City Combined Division prior to the beginning of the competition. It was agreed by everybody that the injuries were made up to the highest standard. Read More...
 The Cork City Division of St. John Amulance Brigade of Ireland is once again delighted to be a part of the 2009 Bórd Gáis Cork City Marathon, with this year’s event due to be held this coming Bank Holiday weekend. We aim to build on the success of previous years' operations. We are privileged to be working alongside our sister organisations The Red Cross, Civil Defence and Order Of Malta Ambulance Corps, in addition to the statutory services. We welcome our colleagues from St John Amublance Dublin, who will be providing a number of well-stocked vehicles and the portable tents which will become the Marathon Medical Field Hospital. Read More...
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